Alex has a new lady love. K.T. Tunstall. It was entirely my fault. I decided I liked the opening song by her ("Suddenly I See") in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" and got a hold of the singer's cd Eye To The Telescope. After hearing it at least half a dozen times on the car's CD player (even mommy can listen to Celine Dion only so many times and don't even get me started on Enrique Iglesias) Alex came to recognize the siren's music enough that when grandma put on a DVD of some of her videos, he peeled himself off You Tube and came crashing down the stairs to come and watch. And watch he did. Absolutely enraptured. I don't blame him. The chick (in my professional, artist's opinion) is hot.
Throughout the summer, the Mystic Chamber of Commerce sponsors concerts on the green. Every Monday night from 6 to 8, they set up a live jazz/blues band at the river's park (which is conveniently right across the water from grandma and grandpa's deck... balcony seating for a live performance... someone pass the wine). Alex, giggling with glee, sat in his grandpa's lap as they listened to "Walkin' to New Orleans" (Fats Domino) performed by Room Full of Blues.
Grandma and Dana crossed the bridge to join in the festivities. Dana ran right up to another little girl and they boogied 'till the sun went down.