I know, I know. I'm way behind, but just haven't gotten a chance to be on the computer long enough to put anything up.
Our week with the grandparents also included art classes at the Mystic Art Association. She took a class on Chinese Watercolors with the artist Eva Leong. Featured here is a piece by Eva (not by Dana, but give her time :)) with 3 goldfish. Dana came home with a number of works on rice paper that will absolutely be framed and put up around the house and some put on the blog soon as I find my bloody scanner.
Eva made me smile when she talked about where she was going with her artwork and where she wanted to take it. I don't mean galleries (though that helps a lot I'm sure) but in terms of artistic vision. She said she had been working on a series of oils where, upon simply looking at the painting, the viewer would hear the music behind the piece. Now she's working on a series based on scent... the viewer smelling as well as seeing the artwork. You know, make synaesthesia more accessible to normal people without needing to turn to hallucinogenic drugs or rewiring brain circuitry.