Friday, November 9, 2007

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

('Told you I was playing catch-up).

Dana makes a very convincing Snow White. So much so that, at the school's Halloween parade, a little girl yelled, "SNOW WHITE!!!" and ran up to Dana to hug her. Grandma picked this one out from the Disney Store. When Dana came home and we said we had a surprise for her... she put her arms out and closed her eyes. I plopped the costume in her arms and she screamed (in delight). I guess she'll be Bat Girl (who she was supposed to be) next year.

She had a fantastic time Trick or Treat-ing with her friends Elena, Adam and Alexis in the next town. There isn't anywhere to do that here where the houses are so far apart and there are no sidewalks. Big thank you to to Gladys and Jerry for letting us borrow their street :D.