Friday, August 3, 2007

It's summer! Dana's sunflowers are in bloom, the kids smell like sunscreen... and Mommy got bit by a tick and is now on Doxycycline for Lyme Disease. My doctor said, "Welcome to Fairfield, CT." Since this is a family show I'm not going to repeat my reply.

Fairly certain it didn't come from my cat... because Nicky's been missing for over two weeks :(. We've had no luck finding him. Chris saw a big coyote (said it was the size of a small German Shepherd) drinking from our little koi pond I think a week before. And we definitely hear them howling at night. And the neighbors say they've spotted them in the area as well. Someone said something about a mountain lion in the deeper parts of the town. I don't think I'll be visiting Huntington State Park any time in the future. So, not feeling hopeful about finding Nicky alive.
Alex doesn't seem to have noticed his disappearance yet. Dana (always looking on the bright side) is asking if she could get a kitten now. She does miss him. She looks at the kitchen door every time she goes into the kitchen to see if maybe he's back, meowing at the door to be let in.

'Missing Nicky very much. He was a great cat.