Yeah, no one from Discovery is banging on my door for my underwater photography. Believe it or not these were actually the best of the goofy shots. We don't have a waterproof camera but my brother gave me the idea of sticking my old digital camera in a clear Ziplock bag to get pics of Dana underwater. We were bored. It was fun.
The weather's starting to get too cool for the pool. It was up to 82 today. Hoping it'll be warm enough tomorrow to get it up to 86 or so with the solar heater and the kids can sneak in another dip or two before we take it down.
The past couple of days, we've been seeing Alex's expressive language come back. He's stringing multiple words together and all of that completely without prompting. The problem though seems to be he's saying it so fast (and some of his articulation is still garbled) that I can't make out what he's saying. He's actually had to repeat himself once or twice before I get it. Most of the time though you can understand what he's saying.
Like I was in the kitchen talking to Daddy the other day and Alex comes in, "Cookies, pease... cookies (stands there looking at me)... I said I want cookies, pease." I got him a few of his Kinnitoos "oreo" cookies and he took my hand. "Huh-cane DVD!"
"I want huh-cane DVD." We have a DVD of a Nova special on hurricanes that had been sitting on the shelf for some time. He went through a "hurricane" phase when we lived in NY when he was 4 so I got him this DVD back then. Do you realize that from space a hurricane looks like a big flushing toilet? Then there's footage of lots of wind, lots of trees blowing in the wind, flooding and rough ocean surf... how could he not love it? We hadn't watched it in a long while. He's never even said the word "hurricane" so it took me a few seconds to make it out. Usually he just wants help setting it up then he wants to be left alone to watch (and rewind and fast forward over and over again to all his favorite scenes) but he grabbed my arm this time.
"Stay. Sit. Stay."
So, Mommy-and-Alex-time, curled up on the couch to be potatoes and watch Gilbert wreck havoc in the Gulf in '88.