Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Good night...

"Polka dot bunny." Often doesn't sound much like that when he says it but we're working on that.

Last night, after his bath, I usually carry him (yes, he's getting way too heavy for this) to the bottom of the steps and we walk the rest of the way up. This time I broke routine and put him down, "Go say good night to Daddy first." He walks right up to Chris on the computer a room away and tells him, "Good night, Daddy." Hugs and we walk upstairs. Coming into their room, Alex sees some toys scattered on the floor. On his own he says "Clean up" and puts away pieces that go with their play kitchen and stray Tinkertoys into the Tinkertoy bin. The pile of nesting boxes, books and stuffed animals on his bed make him pause though. "Ok, I'll help you. You fix the boxes and I'll put away the books." And he does... putting 2 into 3, 3 into 4, 4 into 5, etc. He hands me the sorted boxes to put up on the shelf, jumps into bed, smushes his face against polka dot bunny's and smiles as he curls up to go to sleep.